Your All-In-One
Child Care Management System
Manage your child care, forecast your spaces, forecast your teachers, engage your parents and run your business to its potential, all in one place.

What makes Plan-It Child Care Management System better than all the other child care management systems out there?
- Its made by a child care business owner
- We Forecast your OPEN SPACES over an 18 month window, so you can plan easier
- We Forecast your teaching staff needs using your ratio and actual number of registered children over an 18 month window
- We help you plan your child care Spaces, Teaching Staff and business to optimize its potential
- Invoicing, billing and tax receipts
- Online child registrations
- Maintain staff schedules and profiles
- Training records are stored and recorded online
- Store and access your documents, policies, procedures and training videos online
- Teaching staff portal online
- Discounted child care services section available online to all users
- Plan-It SPACES App coming soon to those who only want to Forecast Children and Teaching Staff over an 18 month window
- We listen to you, to continuously improve Plan-It Child Care Management System
- We are new and eager to make a difference in our child care industry and we may make a few mistakes along the way
- With your help and patience you won’t be disappointed
Run Your Child Care Efficiently
All of Your Child Care Business In One Place!
We help manage your day-to-day child care business. Some of the tools made available to you are: financial metrics, child data, parent and guardian data, scheduling data, registration data, online registration, graduation planning and forecasting, ratio monitoring, staff monitoring, staff scheduling, training, policy and procedure document storage and access, invoicing and billing, purchasing services, insurance, benefits, maintenance, security, groceries, janitorial, internet, phone, cell, child care to child care communication blog, child care items for sale, best practices section, and more. We will continue to add more with your input to make it even better!

I’m Glad You Found Us!
I Have Done the Child Care Management System search for You. I have used and trialed more than a dozen different Child Care Management Systems (CCMS), and not one of them had all the features I needed to run my own child care business effectively!
I couldn’t find what I needed to run my child care business, so I made my own, Plan-It Child Care Management.
With the help of some wonderful skilled software programmers, I think you will love what I have made for my business and I hope yours too!
Automate time consuming tasks
so you can focus on Running your business.
My Promise to you, my child care business owners, is I will continuously improve this software to make it better, offer you more information at your fingertips, which will allow you to run your entire business more efficiently and effectively.
I want you to feel like you own your own child care management business software where you have a say in what you need from it. I will always honor every idea and suggestion to improve the system with immediate feedback or action to implement.
Your data is securely stored on North American servers that are backed up regularly, so you can be assured your data and its security is always maintained.
Help is always available within the software, such as documented setup procedures, training videos, and online chat service.

Child Care Management
Attendance Tracking
Child and Staff login and log out.
Child & Staff Profiles
All the important details available to you online, easy to access.
Online Registration
We make registration easy with an Online system or manual or combination of.
Parent Engagement
Teaching staff can share and chat directly with parents as much as you need or as little as you need.
Tablets can be used as needed by the teaching staff to record child videos and take child pictures for sending to parents via the chat mode in the Parent Engagement section.
Chat and Message
Teaching staff and parents can communicate through the convenient Parent Engagement and Chat portal as setup by your admin.
Business Information
We understand how scheduling can be complicated. Our goal is to simplify and provide information back to you, so that you can take action on it.
Forecasting Spaces
This is what separates us from all the other Child Care Management Systems out there. We forecast your Open child care Spaces over a 18 month window. Now you can plan your child care Spaces efficiently!
Forecast Your Teaching Staff
Not only does the software forecast your open child Spaces but it will also forecast your Teaching Staff that are needed for the number of children registered in your programs.
Start, learn, and grow with
our award-winning support.
You don’t have to do it alone. Master the art of child care management and get the most out of our platform with Plan-It Child Care’s customer support team.

What owners and educators are saying
pLAN-iT child care management system
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Request A Demo
Find out just how easy
it is to get started with
Plan-it Child Care Management!
BUSINESS success
Automate time consuming tasks
so you can focus on running your business.
My Promise to you, my child care business owners, is I will continuously improve this software to make it better, offer more information at your fingertips, so you can spend more time running your business more efficiently and effectively.
Your data is securely stored on North American servers that are backed up regularly, so you can be assured your data and its security is always maintained.
Help is always available within the software such as training videos, and online chat service.